Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Katelynn Joy and I went on the trip of a lifetime aboard the USS John C. Stennis for Tiger Cruise 2007. Katelynn and I flew from San Diego on August 20 and Scott met us at baggage claim in Honolulu at about 2:00 PM. Scott rented a convertible car and off we went to enjoy Honolulu for a day and a half. We stayed at the Outrigger Waikiki on the beach.View from our room.

View from dinner at the hotel, night 1. The fish was fantastic.

View from dinner on the north shore of Oahu on night 2.

USS Arizona anchor.

Waiting for a trip out to the USS Arizona memorial, with USS John C. Stennis in the background.

How Katelynn entertained herself and the HS-8 Crew during rest time.

Katelynn in the ship's bakery decorating cupcakes.

Katelynn at the controls of Marie's airplane.

Lt. Marie Gregg and Lt. Kate Stockton (both pilots), who graciously shared their tight quarters with four "Tigers."

Katelynn had the top "rack" on the far left and I was on the one below. Home sweet home.

LCDR Stringer heading for his helo for the last launch off the Stennis.

Off the flight deck and headed home.

Almost there.

San Diego.

Our families and friends (including Scott) waiting in the hot sun for us to get off the ship.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Fishn is Fine

2-3/4 pound rainbow caught with a baby night crawler in 50 feet of water towards the dam.
Is Nana having fun, or what??

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's Here

The boat is finally here.
It was delivered late Friday afternoon, but we have only
had it in the water once so far because they did not deliver the registration, owner's
manuals and electrical adaptor for the trailer so the brakes do not lock up.
We haven't paid for it yet either, so I guess that's OK.
Anyway it is a Sea Ray 195 Sport, and we really had a great time running it around the lake.
Lynn was here to help with the launch, and a really nice
neighbor named Richard helped us get it back in.

Can you see the big smile?
We are going fishing tomorrow, and hopefully out for an
evening cruise with Mike and Sheila.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Butt Lake???

So where do people who live near a big lake go for a weekend of camping?

They drive fifteen minutes to find a smaller lake with no houses around it.

I was very lucky to go with my neighbors Mike and Sheila and their friends Betty and Jerry from Redding to Butt Lake (yes, that is what it is called),

and spend the night in Mike and Sheila's "little" trailer.

We also took a drive down thirteen miles of steep, narrow dirt road to the booming town of Seneca (old gold mining country)

where we were able to purchase liquid refreshments, but had to bring our own snacks.

I did a little fishing, but was only able to look at what others caught.

I really had a great time.