Monday, July 23, 2007

Nana's New Vocabulary

Sun Scream: The stuff you put on yourself so you do not get red.

Snores: The things we made at the park with marshmallows, graham crackers and CHOCOLATE.

Abba, abba, abba, abba: I'm happy and having fun.


GoughRMAK said...

Sounds like you are having as much fun as the zoo.

Your adopted MD grandkids would LOVE to join you guys.

LucyL said...

I use Sun Scream, but I really prefer I Scream! Looks like you all are having lots of fun (with the possible exception of YumYum). Of course, your favorite at age 3 or 4 was always "magee."

Nana said...

I wish we could get Alec and Kaitlin here. Maybe next summer??

Unknown said...

Hey nana, I am one of the beane girls. my name is Hope! It sounds u guys are having sooo much fun!! I love the stingers!! When we traveled togeather we called the LARGE family Stringbeanes!! We had a blast, hopefully u will too!
P.S, I am a red head with VERY VERY light skin! I used to hate sunscrean and I still too but I use it! OTHER WISE I AM A LOBSTER!

Nana said...

Hope, the girls have talked about you and your sisters a lot. I think I met you all at a Flyball Event last year.