Monday, August 6, 2007

Butt Lake???

So where do people who live near a big lake go for a weekend of camping?

They drive fifteen minutes to find a smaller lake with no houses around it.

I was very lucky to go with my neighbors Mike and Sheila and their friends Betty and Jerry from Redding to Butt Lake (yes, that is what it is called),

and spend the night in Mike and Sheila's "little" trailer.

We also took a drive down thirteen miles of steep, narrow dirt road to the booming town of Seneca (old gold mining country)

where we were able to purchase liquid refreshments, but had to bring our own snacks.

I did a little fishing, but was only able to look at what others caught.

I really had a great time.


Scott said...

I'm so jealous Laura! I'm glad you had a good time. Sorry about the lack of fish around you.
I'm sure there are a plethora of "butt" jokes going around. :)
Say HI to Yum Yum, Sheila and the squirrel wearing Emily's bathing suit!

LucyL said...

Sounds wonderful! Glad you are having a good time.