Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Katelynn Joy and I went on the trip of a lifetime aboard the USS John C. Stennis for Tiger Cruise 2007. Katelynn and I flew from San Diego on August 20 and Scott met us at baggage claim in Honolulu at about 2:00 PM. Scott rented a convertible car and off we went to enjoy Honolulu for a day and a half. We stayed at the Outrigger Waikiki on the beach.View from our room.

View from dinner at the hotel, night 1. The fish was fantastic.

View from dinner on the north shore of Oahu on night 2.

USS Arizona anchor.

Waiting for a trip out to the USS Arizona memorial, with USS John C. Stennis in the background.

How Katelynn entertained herself and the HS-8 Crew during rest time.

Katelynn in the ship's bakery decorating cupcakes.

Katelynn at the controls of Marie's airplane.

Lt. Marie Gregg and Lt. Kate Stockton (both pilots), who graciously shared their tight quarters with four "Tigers."

Katelynn had the top "rack" on the far left and I was on the one below. Home sweet home.

LCDR Stringer heading for his helo for the last launch off the Stennis.

Off the flight deck and headed home.

Almost there.

San Diego.

Our families and friends (including Scott) waiting in the hot sun for us to get off the ship.



GoughRMAK said...

Thanks for sharing, Nana! Those are great pictures. Sounds like you both had a wonderful time! Welcome back to land.

Auntie M

Nana said...

I have so much to share, but wanted to get some pictures out there. What an adventure.

Scott said...

I'm so glad you have those precious memories!

LucyL said...

Thanks so much for the pictures, Laura!